How to Identify and Date Real Photo Vintage Postcards

Help for identifying the age and paper manufacturer of Real Photo Old Postcards

Most Real Photo Postcards, abbreviated RPPC, have information on their backs to help in identifying the manufacturer of the photographic paper that was used by the postcard publisher. If you can identify the paper manufacturer, you can approximate the age of the old postcard. If the postcard has a stamp box, click on one of stamp box links below.  If there is no stamp box, or a generic stamp box, go to Postcards Backs.

Stamp Boxes for Real Photo Vintage Postcards

Select an alphabetical link to identify the paper manufacturer

A-B   C    D-E   F-J   K-L   M-O   P-Q    R-T   U-Z 

Unknown Manufacturers

All entries on one page (may be slow to load)

How to tell the difference between a Real Photo Postcard and a printed Postcard

There is some confusion on what Real Photo Postcards (RPPC) are, and how to differentiate from a printed postcard. Real Photo Postcards are photographs that are reproduced by actually developing them onto photographic paper the size and weight of Postcards, with a Postcard back. There are many Postcards that reproduce photos by various printing methods that are NOT "real photos"...the same methods used when reproducing photos in magazines and newspapers.  The best way to tell the difference is to look at the Postcard with a magnifying glass. If the photo is printed, you will see that it is made up of a lot of little dots, the same as a photo printed in a newspaper. A Real Photo Postcard is solid, no dots.

Real Photo Price Guide by Stefano Neis of SCVIEW

Postcard paper types and descriptions from period literature and advertisements prepared by Jeremy Rowe

Quick Reference Real Photo Old Postcard Dating Guide

This chart is not as complete as the detailed information available in the Stamp Box links above.

ANSCO1940-19602 Stars at top & bottom
AZO1926-1940sSquares in corners
AZO1904-19184 triangles pointed up
AZO1918-1930Triangles 2 up, 2 down
AZO1907-1909DIAMONDS in corners
AZO1922-1926Empty Corners
DEFENDER1910-1920Diamond above & below
DEFENDER1920-1945Diamond inside
Devolite Peerless1950- 
Du Pont1945-1950s 
KRUXO1910-1920sXs in corners
SAILBOAT1905-1908Sailboat in circle
SOLIO1903-1920sDiamonds in corners
VELOX1907-1914Diamonds in corners
VELOX1901-1914Squares in corners
VELOX1909-1914Triangles: 4 pointed Up
Thanks to the following who have helped by identifying or dating
old Postcards stamp boxes/backs we already have, or by adding new ones:
Mike Allard Ron Heberlee Kristopher J. Preacher
Lewis Baer Gerard Hemmelder Rhonda Randall
Margaret Bailey Harry Høberg Heidi Benziger Rautio
Barr's Post Card News Allen L.  Hubby Martin A. Riepma
Eppe Bosch Nathan Huegel Jeremy Rowe
Helen M. Boyden Bryan Jackson Jay Sandeen
Andreas Brown Tom Kelly Steven Schainost
Peggy Brown Buzz Kinninmont David Shedlock
Jill Bullock Joey Know Rosie Shores
Robert Carowitz Blaze A. Lanoue Carla Simmons
Lois Carroll Mike McDougald Rick Smith
Hugh Christie Hal Morgan Simon Smith
John Cole Andrew J. Morris William Smith
Ned Coleman Bob Murray Donella Spencer
Paul Edney Larry Norton Arlen Spingola
Chuck Finley John E. Panek Frank Sternad
Joyce Fischer John Parsons Bob Swanson
Tom Fritz Alan Patterson Gretchen S. Toshach
Susan Toomey Frost Skip Peters Robert Whelan
Bob Gurske John David Phillips, Sr Jim Whipple
Derek Gee John F. Pinel Don Wilson
Roger Harvey Ron Playle "Playle's Auctions" Richard A. Wood
Dixie Haynes Bill and Jean Poore Sonia Yaco
Bill Feldman "Prairie Fires & Paper Moons"
Real Photo Postcard Stamp Boxes
Real Photo Postcard Stamp Backs